Federal higher education policy post-COVID

Federal higher education policy post-COVID

Event Details

  • When
  • May 29, 2020
  • 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM

Event Contact

  • Nicole Siegel
  • Former Director of Advocacy for Social Policy, Education & Politics
  • [email protected]
  • While much about the next few months are uncertain, there is no question that American colleges will play an important role in helping our country recover. Congress has already stepped in with its first infusion of cash to help keep the higher education sector afloat.

    But what is the federal government doing to ensure colleges will use stimulus money to best support students? How will the global pandemic impact the short- and long-term future of students and student loan borrowers? And is there still any room for a potential reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in this Congress or the next? To dig into these questions and more, Third Way's Director of Education Tamara Hiler hosted a virtual event featuring Congresswoman Donna Shalala (D-FL) to chat more about what COVID-19 means for the future of higher education policy.