Map of State Marijuana Legalization Laws

Map of State Marijuana Legalization Laws

Map Of State Marijuana Header
Photo of Sarah Trumble
Sarah Trumble
Former Deputy Director, Social Policy & Politics
Photo of James Decker
James Decker
Former Graphic Designer

Currently 46 of the 50 states have some form of marijuana legalization law on the books. Eight states—AK, CA, CO, MA, ME, NV, OR, and WA—and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. More than half of the states—29—and DC have legalized medical marijuana. And an additional 17 allow legal use of only limited CBD/low THC marijuana for certain medical purposes. This map provides a visual lay of the land of state marijuana legalization laws, illustrating their prevalence and location nationwide.

JPGs of our infographics can be viewed on Flickr.

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