Guns by the Numbers

Guns by the Numbers

Guns by the Numbers
Photo of Sarah Trumble
Sarah Trumble
Former Deputy Director, Social Policy & Politics
Photo of Lanae Erickson
Senior Vice President for Social Policy, Education & Politics
Photo of Jim Kessler
Executive Vice President for Policy

From 0 (the number of people denied a firearm for being on the suspected terrorist no-fly list) to 14,033,824 (the number of firearms bought from licensed gun dealers the year after President Obama was elected), the gun policy debate is all about the numbers.

In this 1-pager, we lay out the numbers behind the policy debate so that you can get to the real truth on guns, the laws that try to keep them out of the wrong hands, and the criminals who use them.

Guns by the Numbers

To read this one-pager, open the attached PDF.

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