Democratic Leaders Respond to Third Way’s “A New Cause for Democrats”

Democratic Leaders Respond to Third Way’s “A New Cause for Democrats”

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Sen. Mark Warner (VA)

“As the nature of work has shifted, our policies have not kept pace, and too many places and too many people are being left behind. We need an agenda that addresses these challenges head-on, attacking the economic insecurity that too many voters feel in their lives and making sure that real opportunity is available to everyone. Third Way is absolutely right that what Democrats need is a Social Contract for the Digital Age – one that gives every American an opportunity to work and earn a good life.”


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Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04)
New Democrat Coalition Chair

“Third Way’s “Opportunity to Earn” memo is a must read for all Democrats focused on winning back seats at all levels across the country and being positioned to govern effectively for the future. New Democrat Coalition Members agree, we must make sure our country and our politics focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the future, not the past. New Dems have already been working to advance this and many of the themes found in the paper. Our country needs and deserves leaders who will encourage us to be our better selves and who will champion the ideas that we know are good for our nation. I’m excited by the work that Third Way is doing to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to earn a good life.”


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Sen. Chris Coons (DE)

“As technology and other forces impact our culture, economy, and the very nature of work, we need policies that give all Americans the opportunity to earn a living wage, support a family, and provide for retirement. Third Way rightly recognizes the critical nature of this challenge and is at the forefront of making sure that policy makers in all levels of government are dealing with it head-on.”


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Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17)

“Just about every Saturday when I’m back in Illinois, you can find me walking the aisle of supermarkets across the Midwest where I ask the families I serve what’s on their minds. What I hear again and again is a concern about there not being enough opportunity for folks to find a good job, earn a fair paycheck and live the American Dream. As Democrats, we need to start by listening to these concerns and understanding the challenges facing middle America. I want to thank Third Way for offering some concrete ideas for, not just how we can address the economic anxiety felt by folks across the heartland, but how we can actually build a 21st century economy where everyone who is willing to work hard has the opportunity to earn a better future.”


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Jason Furman, 
Former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

“Third Way’s Social Contract for the Digital Age is the type of comprehensive, ambitious and smart set of proposals that we should all be debating. It recognizes that we need to embrace growth and change but that we also need to actively take steps to make sure that growth actually happens and that its benefits are broadly shared.”


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Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07)

“Every community, from small town America to our regional metro areas, should have the ability to generate new economic opportunities. Unfortunately, trends show that a smaller handful of cities are getting larger slices of the pie. In my district this has meant stagnant wages, a more difficult climb up the economic ladder, and a constant pressure for localities to do more with less. This is the conversation voters are asking for, and where it goes will define our readiness for a new economic reality.”


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Jack Markell,
Former Governor of Delaware

“Parents across our country are united in one aspiration: that their kids will lead a better life than they’ve lived. But with workers facing extraordinary uncertainty, it’s incumbent upon our political parties to do a better job of explaining how they can lead through these tumultuous times. In A New Cause for Democrats”, Third Way puts down a compelling marker: government has a key role to play in ensuring that our citizens can earn their way to a brighter future. This document should be embraced by candidates throughout the country.”


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Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52)

“Third Way is the thought-leader driving sensible, pro-growth ideas for Democrats. San Diegans and all Americans are uneasy about economic change, how they fit in, and what will be available to their children. In order to build a future for this generation and the next, Democrats need to commit themselves to creating opportunities to earn for families across the country.”


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Rep. Suzan DelBene (WA-01)

“We have seen many changes in the way the world works from e-commerce to automation and these changes have created great opportunities as well as painful disruptions. And our policies have not kept pace with these changes. Our collective goal should be to make sure workers have the tools they need to take advantage of the opportunities and to overcome the disruptions. We need a national commitment to ensure not a single American is left behind as we forge new paths ahead.”


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Sen. Gary Peters (MI)

“From the New Deal to the Great Society, the Democratic Party has always sought to adapt policies to meet the needs of a changing world.  A new generation pursues the American Dream, we must focus on also providing them with the same opportunity to earn a good living and live a successful life. Third Way does an excellent job of outlining the challenges that lay ahead; I know the American people can meet the demands of adapting to a changing economy and now it is up to policymakers to chart a course.”


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Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)

“The modern economy is working for some people, but it’s not working for too many others. What Third Way is talking about, creating a social contract for the digital age, is the right way to think about bringing opportunity to more people and more places as technology disrupts the workplace. This is something that should have broad appeal to Democrats.”


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Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI-14)

“The big challenge in the new economy is making sure that working men and women in every part of this country have the opportunity to land good-paying jobs that allow them to provide for their families and retire with dignity and security. The digital economy has created an opportunity gap for too many Americans, but with the right ideas and investments today, and the acknowledgement that we need to close this gap, we can ensure workers across the country have the resources and training they need to stay at the forefront.”


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Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-13)

“I’ve seen firsthand how the new economy has left behind America’s workers, hollowed-out the middle-class, and failed many communities and regions in our nation. There is a lot of potential throughout the country but our challenge is to rebuild our economic system in a way that allows more people and more places to succeed in the 21st century economy. This should be the Democratic Party’s top priory, and I salute this effort to bring this cause to the forefront.”


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Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-06)

“While some areas have seen substantial economic gains, a lot of folks are being left behind. In some of the communities in my region, our top export is young people. That needs to change. I commend Third Way for pushing leaders to get focused on creating more economic opportunity for more people in more places.”



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Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester
(DE-At Large)

“The modern economy is driven by ever-evolving technology, and as a result, we’re seeing a fundamental shift not only in the types of opportunities available but also in the nature of work Americans are doing. If we’re to support the ability of Americans in both our city centers and our rural communities to have the opportunity to earn a good life in the digital age, we can’t simply react to change, we must embrace it. Through my work as Secretary of Labor and CEO of the Wilmington Urban League, I’ve spent my career connecting people of all backgrounds with fulfilling work, and that’s why I’m proud of Third Way for prioritizing investment in creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation across the country. Together, we can prepare and equip our workforce not only to meet the challenges of emerging technologies but to capitalize on them so all Americans have the opportunity to thrive in a global, digital economy.”


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Rep. Tom Suozzi (NY-03)

“American workers and families are scared of what the digital age will mean to their jobs, their children’s futures and our economy. The disruption caused by globalization and international trade changed our lives dramatically. When everything is said and done America got globalization wrong. Too many jobs lost and wages stagnant or reduced. We need to get technology right. Solid ideas to insure a chance to “earn opportunity” and make it in a globalized digital economy are the way to move forward. Good job Third Way.”


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Rep. Kathleen Rice (NY-04)

“Third Way’s new social contract offers Americans an ambitious economic agenda for the rapidly evolving global economy. This positive economic vision is exactly what Democrats must embrace to confront the realities of new technology and demonstrate how we can create new opportunities for jobs and growth, rather than clinging to ideas of the past that continue to fail American families.”


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State Rep. Anthony Daniels

“Democrats are facing a watershed moment. As the realities of the new economy have changed the way Americans work and live, our leaders continue to struggle to respond with policies that reinforce the hope, confidence, and optimism that the American Dream won’t just survive, it can and will thrive.”


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Sen. John Unger (WV-16)

“When we each have opportunity to earn and reach our full potential as American citizens, we can create shared prosperity, innovate life-enhancing technologies and transform into engaged, vibrant communities in the Digital Age. Third Way brings forth bold, thought-provoking ideas that can impact our lives by restoring the opportunity to earn a good life for all.


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State Rep. Chris Harris (KY-93)

“Many folks living in rural communities across America are wondering if they will be able to earn a good life in the modern economy. Democrats can to be the party of opportunity in the digital age and help connect all Americans with tomorrow’s job opportunities.”



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State Rep. Eric Johnson (TX-100)

“Democrats need to be the leaders in ensuring equal access to opportunity for all Americans in the new digital economy. Third Way is presenting forward-thinking ideas to help Democrats take control of the issue in an innovative way.”



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Lauren McLean,
Council President - City of Boise

“I hear from citizens that they want their leaders to help create economic opportunity in our community.  This can mean a lot of things but most often means that Boise citizens want to be able to earn a great living in a modern economy, and to know that their kids will have the opportunity to succeed in the future here in Boise.  City leaders need innovative ideas and creative solutions to a changing world; we’re problem solvers and tinkerers and as a Democrat I value the pro-growth, progressive and innovative approaches to the future that we’re all working together to create and implement.”

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