Statement from Josh Freed, Senior Vice President for Climate and Energy at Third Way, on President Trump Declaring a National Energy Emergency
WASHINGTON—Third Way Senior Vice President for Climate and Energy Josh Freed issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s Executive order declaring a national energy emergency to increase fossil fuel production:
“President Trump is right that we face an energy emergency that threatens our national security. But he’s focused on all the wrong solutions.
“We’ve got major problems including insufficient electricity supply, a failing grid and foreign adversaries absolutely owning us on cutting-edge technologies like advanced nuclear. Trump’s solution to all these problems is to drill more.
“To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To Trump, every problem has an oil and gas solution. But that’s a lazy approach to a complex problem. We need abundant and affordable power, with continued support for clean energy. We need a stronger grid and faster permitting.
“And we need a US government that stands up to our adversaries and puts energy of all kinds at the heart of foreign policy, not just fossil fuel production. Abundant US energy production—from fossils and nuclear to wind and solar—is critical for the US and our allies.”
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