Third Way Responds to America's Cyberspace Solarium Commission

Third Way Responds to America's Cyberspace Solarium Commission

  • Photo of Mieke Eoyang
    Former Senior Vice President for the National Security Program and Chairperson of the Cyber Enforcement Initiative

WASHINGTON — Third Way released the following statement from Mieke Eoyang, Vice President for the National Security Program and Chairperson of the Cyber Enforcement Initiative, in response to the release of the final report of the congressionally-mandated US Cyberspace Solarium Commission:

"We appreciate the work of the US Cyberspace Solarium Commission, which undertook the tremendous responsibility of generating over 75 recommendations aimed at defending the United States in cyberspace. The Commission is addressing a national security threat that impacts more Americans than any other—cybercrime—and makes a series of recommendations that will help our government deter cybercriminals and other bad cyber actors in partnership with allies.

We note, however, that the Commission’s charter and recommendations take a predominantly militarized approach that under-emphasizes the diplomatic and law enforcement efforts needed to impose consequences on the human actors responsible for cyberattacks. Cybercriminals operate with near impunity and rarely face consequences for their attacks. Our data shows that less than 1% of cyber incidents ever see an arrest of the perpetrator. In most of the incidents that victimize Americans every day, a military response is inappropriate. While we value the incredible work of the Commission, as Congress moves forward in considering its recommendations, we hope that they will also work to strengthen support to our government entities working to bring cybercriminals to justice."


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