Potential for US Competitiveness in Emerging Clean Technologies

Potential for US Competitiveness in Emerging Clean Technologies

HG Potential for US Competitiveness in Emerging Clean Technologies v4
Photo of Boston Consulting Group
Boston Consulting Group

Tackling the climate crisis is no easy task. The challenge, however, also brings important opportunities for countries, businesses, and workers that produce the technologies needed to decarbonize the world.  

In a report commissioned by Third Way and Breakthrough Energy, BCG examines six emerging clean technologies that are set to play a major role in the energy transition: electric vehicles, clean steel, low-carbon hydrogen, long-duration energy storage, direct air capture, and advanced nuclear small modular reactors. This groundbreaking analysis studied the value chain of each technology, segment by segment, to identify high-value areas where the US could build and maintain a durable advantage in the global market, and assessed what steps might help America compete for its share. 

BCG estimates the priority value chain segments within these six technologies will have a cumulative domestic market size of $9 to 10 trillion through mid-century and produce over $300 billion in annual export opportunities for the US in 2050–all while creating millions of jobs and enhancing America’s energy security.

Read Potential for US Competitiveness in Emerging Clean Technologies.

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